
We are excited to announce our World Cancer Conference during November 15-16, 2023 at London Uk. Exhibit space is limited to 24 tables! 

We encourage you to use the online registration system for real-time table availability and online payments. Exhibitors will be required to submit their table preferences. Booths and high-tops will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis - in the order that completed registrations are received. Final table assignments will be made by WCC 2023

This event celebrates the true partnership of our association colleagues, meeting professionals, and exhibiting partners across all over the world. 

We look forward to seeing YOU on Wednesday 15th, 2023

Why :
  • • Make your best services and products visible • Develop new connections and strengthen existing ones • Meet with a highly targeted audience • Interact with people who have directorial and decision making, responsibilities in their institution • Reach more possibilities in a week than your sales team can reach in three months • Build your brand and increase awareness of your products and services • Meet with key clients and business partners • Be up-to-date with the new orientation in the geo/ec
Floor Plan

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